Level up your organization



Includes 1 member


per month, billed yearly


What you get:


Includes 3 team members


per month, billed yearly


Everything in Pro plus:

Trusted by 9 million + people and over 10,000 companies

Compare All Plans

TEAM Pro Plan Teams Plan
Seats included 1 3
Add more users for as low as $33/month
Unlimited cloud storage
Save your brand and auto-apply it to videos
Save multiple brands
Your brand's custom fonts
100s of pre-designed, customizable templates
Automatically apply your brand to 100s of scenes and templates
Invite anyone to record themself or their screen
Unlimited video and screen recordings
Asset library to manage personal and shared media
Personal folders
Shared Teams folders
Collaborative editing
Video comments and feedback from anyone
Smart editing mode to create videos quickly
Voice-over audio layer
Royalty-free music library
Premium business soundtracks
Unlimited HD exports
Video hosting for review, sharing, and tracking
Commercial usage rights
Interactive call-to-action button
Custom video thumbnail
Video view count
Video engagement
Views by location
24/7 customer support
Dedicated account manager
Customized onboarding program

Are you a teacher?

We offer an Education plan at a reduced price for teachers in approved institutions. Fill out this online application form to learn more.

Frequently asked questions

Your free 7-day trial includes the very best features, content, and collaboration tools from Biteable’s Pro and Teams plans. You can also publish your videos and share them from within Biteable.

No, you don’t need a credit card to start your free trial. You only need to enter your credit card details if you choose to purchase a paid plan.

Yes! Your trial includes seats for up to three team members. This is a great way to test our collaboration features. If you’d like to invite more than two others to your trial, contact support.

We have both. You can see annual and monthly prices using the toggle at the top of this page. Take an annual plan and you’ll save up to 50%.

All plans include support from our friendly team.

Yes, we offer an Education plan at reduced prices for teachers and students in approved institutions. Fill out this online application form to request access.

You can cancel your plan at any time. You’ll be able to keep making and publishing videos until the period you’ve paid for ends.