How Katie conquered LinkedIn with an #OpenToWork video

Like so many people around the world, Katie turned to LinkedIn when the coronavirus pandemic affected her industry and her job status. This is how Katie mobilized her network and grew her reach with a single Biteable video.
How Katie conquered LinkedIn with an OpenToWork video
new connections
The person

Katie Davis

Katie is a seasoned marketing professional. With 14 years of marketing experience under her belt, she knows a thing or two about engaging audiences.

When COVID-19 struck, Katie was the Director of Marketing for a global meeting and events company. As group gatherings were restricted, Katie’s industry came to a screeching halt and her job was furloughed.

Katie’s not one to sit about when adversity strikes. She pivoted and took to LinkedIn in search of something new.

The problem

Getting attention in a saturated market

The trouble with standing out in the job market right now is that everyone else is trying to do the same thing. In the first three months of the COVID-19 pandemic, more Americans lost their jobs than in two years of the Great Recession.

The enormous number of unemployed has given birth to a new movement on LinkedIn — #OpenToWork. It’s the perfect hashtag for connecting with employers, but standing out from the crowd can be tough.

To help herself rise above the pack and proactively notify her LinkedIn network, Katie went straight to video.

The solution

The perfect video made in an hour

Katie found the Biteable video maker in an online search and, within an hour, created a video she was proud of. The video was concise, reflected her expertise, and was an upbeat spin on #OpenToWork.

How did she do it with no video-making experience? In her own words: “It was surprisingly easy.”

Katie started by sifting through the Biteable template library and picking out her favorite styles. She then mashed them together, added in a couple of her own short clips, and was done in a single session.

“Biteable is the perfect platform for creating a standout explainer video. Its ease of use, intuitive nature, and quality output exceeded my expectations in every way.”

The result

Expanded network and a new position

Katie launched her video on LinkedIn and the reaction was far greater than she anticipated.

The video quickly amassed more than 7,000 views and 50 comments. But that wasn’t all. The video post reached audiences Katie hadn’t expected. Interactions on her LinkedIn profile shot up and Katie saw a jump in relevant connection requests and recruiter messages.

Katie’s heightened LinkedIn activity engaged her network who, in turn, introduced her to a new company where she’s now putting her marketing savvy to good use. And it all started with a video she made herself with Biteable.

Katie's video tips

How to be noticed on LinkedIn

Getting the attention you deserve on LinkedIn while job hunting is a challenge. Expand your reach on LinkedIn by trying Katie’s tips.

  • Use video. Engage with a fun, to-the-point video that encourages interaction.
  • Keep text short. Don’t distract from your video with a lengthy post. Keep text minimal and focused on relevant keywords.
  • Don’t rely on sound. LinkedIn videos are muted by default. Put all your text on-screen to ensure it reaches your audience.
  • Present yourself. Bring your personality to the fore. A genuine video is more likely to connect with others.
Video templates

Make your own #OpenToWork video

Give your job hunt a boost with one of these ready-to-edit videos. Or start from scratch if you’re feeling creative.

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